

About Geofolia crop recording software

Flexible, affordable and recommended farm management software. Geofolia will add value to your crop records. It is a comprehensive crop recording software with farm mapping included as standard, which makes recording your farm’s activities and applications easy. You’ll be able to satisfy increasing compliance regulations and the data you collect will help you to make well informed financial decisions. 

Field records can be viewed and updated direct from the Geofolia Mobile App, making it ideal for those who prefer to spend their time in the field rather than in the office.

You can purchase Geofolia agriculture software outright or as a monthly rental for PC, server or web hosted install.


  • Fast to set up and learn
  • Save hours on data entry
  • Compliance reports at your fingertips
  • Improve accuracy with ‘first in, first out’ stock management
  • Instant benchmarking to improve your decision making
  • Understand your input costs including machinery & labour
  • Flexible working – access records anywhere
  • Faster flow of information between you and your team

So much is included as standard

  • Integrated farm mapping with RPA import
  • Intra-field mapping
  • Update records and stocks from your phone
  • Comprehensive compliance reporting
  • Satellite crop image analysis
  • Nutrient Management Planning
  • Agronomists’ recommendation import
  • LEXAGRI pesticides & fertilisers database
  • Financial reporting by field, crop and farm
  • Regular software updates
  • PC or web hosted install

Landmark Systems Limited
CompanyLandmark Systems Limited
CategoryFarm Management
PricingOn Request

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