Frost Management

Be prepared for damaging frost events with real-time, per-acre temperature monitoring and tools for remote wind machine monitoring, automation and control.


Wind Machine Control and Automation

Integrate Altrac by Semios to save on fuel and labor costs and take the guesswork out of frost management.

  • Automate wind machine control: Remotely turn wind machines on and off, set up auto-start, and view wind machine voltage and fuel levels.
  • Easily spot malfunctions: Identify wind machines that are disconnected or are not running as expected.
  • Track wind machine activity: Measure the impact of your wind machine activity with per acre temperature tracking and post-frost reports on equipment performance and runtime.
  • Automatic notifications: Receive text, email, or phone call alerts for low temperatures, wind machine battery issues, and to know when your wind machines are turned ON/OFF.
  • Ensure peak performance: Expert installation, maintenance, and monitoring by Semios.

Stay on Top of Frost Events

Nothing spoils a good night’s sleep like waking up to check on frost. With Semios, you will be automatically notified by your phone when a frost event is happening.

  • Accurate and on-time updates: Frost alerts are triggered by your in-canopy sensors measuring temperature per acre, every ten minutes, so you and your team can reliably respond to changing conditions in the field.
  • Easily identify areas of risk: Heatmaps show per-acre temperature variation across your orchard so you can pinpoint cold spots.
  • Customizable alerts: Automatically notify employees by text or email when temperature risk thresholds are met so your team can act fast.

Predictive and Historical Frost Monitoring

Frost prevention starts with preparation. Track current forecasted conditions so you can be prepared when frost strikes.

  • Know your current orchard conditions: Monitor frost inversion strength, wet-bulb temperature, and dew point in near real-time to advise your frost protection plan.
  • Know what’s coming next: See a forecast of key frost conditions for the next 24 hours.
  • Track historical trends: Go back in time and see a historical record of frost conditions on each of your sites.

Decision-Aid Highlights

  • Frost monitoring
    • Historical and 7-day forecasts of frost inversion, wet-bulb temperature, and dew-point temperature
    • Up to per-acre temperature heatmaps to identify areas of risk
  • Automated frost event alerts
    • Get automatic alerts via SMS or email when temperature inversion strength has reached a critical risk
    • Be notified which blocks are most at risk to prioritize getting to cold spots first
  • Remote wind machine monitoring
    • See current and historical run time, warm up/cool down time, and identify wind machines that need troubleshooting
    • View per-acre temperature heatmaps that are updated every ten minutes to identify cold spots and to monitor your wind machines’ impact
  • Altrac wind machine automation integration
    • Check current wind machine status, voltage, fuel level, start/stop temperatures, and RPM to ensure your machines are ready for a frost event
    • Turn wind machines on and off remotely and configure autostart temperatures to protect your crops
  • Hands-off, labor-free install
    Semios’ professional Field Services team handles installations and maintenance so you don’t need to worry about getting the tech to work.
PricingOn Request
RegionNorth America

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