
Traceability from farm to fork.


FreshChain is a fully integrated, blockchain enabled, paddock to plate assurance system that verifies the food you eat. In just a few seconds, we can provide traceability throughout the supply chain and provide real time insights to make better decisions during a products life-cycle.

  • Learn more
    Using the latest in artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning algorithms. We combine real world practicality with the smart technology.
  • Growers and Producers
    Manage your product throughout the supply chain, managing risk. Call out your passion for freshness and quality to create meaningful relationships with your customers.
  • Wholesalers and Retailers
    Manage quality from receipt to customer. Establish direct connections with consumers. Actionable insights like never seen before.
  • Consumers
    Instantly see product and supplier's accreditations that are externally verified. Get full access to the producer and detailed information on where your food and ingredients are from plus give feedback directly to them
  • Industry
    Get visibility like never before. Ensure your product is at its best. Get consumer feedback in real time.
FreshChain Systems Pty Ltd
CompanyFreshChain Systems Pty Ltd
PricingOn Request

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