Space4Good FORESTER helps map, detect and predict forest events using remote sensing and AI.


For companies and organisations protecting and managing forests, Space4Good FORESTER provides strategic insights and alerts to make informed decisions in fighting deforestation, preserving biodiversity and managing carbon stocks.


Easy to use platform providing direct insights for on- and offline use.

  • Clear visualisation portal
  • Land cover and forest type classification
  • Deforestation and vegetation change reporting


Support management strategies using rapid and precise fire and deforestation insights.

  • Near-Real-Time Alerts via preferred method
  • Over 80% detection accuracy
  • Supporting accurate ESG and compliance reporting


Predict deforestation events before it occurs to prevent forest loss.

  • Enabled prediction capabilities
  • Supporting preventative measures
  • Detection of fires and natural hazards

Space4Good FORESTER helps map, detect and predict forest events using remote sensing and artificial intelligence and provides reports and insights to support forest management, reporting and dialogue between local communities, economic actors and authorities.

Space4Good B.V.
CompanySpace4Good B.V.
PricingOn Request

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