Food Price Monitoring and Analysis (FPMA) Tool

Over 2 000 domestic and international food price series and key analysis features



The Food Price Monitoring and Analysis (FPMA) Tool is an advanced technical solution for dissemination and analysis of price information. The first version of the tool was released in March 2009 as part of FAO’s initiatives to address the soaring food prices at that time. Several iterations of the tool since then have introduced enhanced analysis features and ensured that the tool is up to date with latest technologies. The most recent version of the tool (version 4) was released in mid-2022.

The user friendly interface allows users to scan current and past prices, check basic statistics such as percentage changes, and make comparisons across markets, commodities and seasons. The tool also incorporates a feature for the calculation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Indicator 2.c.1, which measures the number of “Price Anomalies” that occur on a given food commodity price series over a given period of time. This indicator is being used to measure progress towards SDG Target 2.c.

The FPMA Tool is available to countries and regional organizations. It can be linked to existing systems that collect food price data, and tailored to meet specific needs.

As of 2023, the FPMA Tool system also incorporates an optional component for primary price data collection through a mobile app. The collected data can subsequently be validated and pushed to the analysis and dissemination platform.

Food and Agriculture Organization
CompanyFood and Agriculture Organization

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