
Fully autonomous drone


After years of dedicated research and development, countless prototypes, and unwavering commitment, Airscort is thrilled to introduce the game-changing Airscort FlytMini docking station, now available for the commercial drone industry.

The Airscort FlytMini represents the pinnacle of our technological achievements. With its unparalleled compactness, reliability, and cost-effectiveness, it outshines any other solution for achieving complete drone autonomy worldwide!

Equipped with an array of cutting-edge sensors, advanced heating/cooling units, millimeter-grade precision landing technology, and our proprietary battery swapping system, the Airscort FlytMini stands as the ultimate docking station for off-the-shelf drones.

Our exceptional team of hardware and software engineers in Israel meticulously designed, constructed, and manufactured this innovation, leaving no detail overlooked. The results speak for themselves.


    Our stations automatically swap the drone's battery between flights so you don't have to.
    The autonomous flight is uploaded and controlled entirely by our cloud-based server. 
    Our highly durable stations are built to store and protect the drones in all weather conditions.
 Airscort Ltd.
Company Airscort Ltd.
PricingOn Request
Airscort drone

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