
Complete farm management in one place


FarmSimple is designed to be a complete farm management system, meaning you can perform all of your farming activity record keeping in one place giving you valuable insights into your operation.

Our comprehensive feature set covers all the major farm management tools required for broad acre farmers to optimise their operation. 

  • Storage
    FarmSimple provides an overview of each silo and its status on your farm. This allows you full visibility of your farm storage, meaning you are in control of your stock and contract commitments.
  • Spraying
    FarmSimple makes spray record keeping a breeze. Our simple interface means recording applications and calculating loads has never been simpler.
  • Timesheets
    FarmSimple allows your team members to easily input their working hours. This simplifies payroll admin and enables your staff to be paid promptly.
  • Job Allocation
    Coordinating your team to complete the necessary jobs has never been easier. FarmSimple allows you to create, assign and monitor the status of tasks and jobs. 

As farmers we understand what having no mobile reception feels like. We designed our app with offline capabilities, meaning you can use FarmSimple in the office or out in a paddock. 

We've made FarmSimple so it can be used on any device, mobile or desktop. Wherever you work FarmSimple has you covered. 

CropaCo Pty Ltd
CompanyCropaCo Pty Ltd
CategoryFarm Management

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