Farmforce Orbit (GMS)

Monitor your sourcing operations at scale


We Take A Pragmatic Approach To Understanding How Our Customers Operate

At Farmforce we invest the time to listen and analyze your needs and the specific challenges you are facing on the ground during food’s first mile, and we curate a dedicated team to define a solution tailored for your business requirements. As part of each implementation, we make sure the users receive the right training, and we continue to provide support and innovation throughout the customer lifecycle. Great technology combined with an engagement model and experienced people who implement our solutions are the recipe for success.

Farmforce Orbit

Developed through an iterative process with customers over the last four years, Farmforce Orbit was commercially brought to market at the beginning of 2021. Farmforce Orbit was the evolution of Farmforce Origin solution built to provide concise operational visibility all the way to the farmer’s field, across regions, scaling across hundreds of cooperatives and potentially millions of farmers.


  • Global Sourcing Optimization
    Connect all your global sourcing operations in one system, facilitating analysis and assessments at an aggregate level. Farmforce Orbit provides the ability to display, analyze, and take actions on real-time data, with built-in security control levels. Standardizing centralized activities across different locations, including farmer register updates, certifications, and mapping activities, Farmforce Orbit brings efficiency, reliability, and scale to global organizations and their first mile data operations.
  • Single Scalable Global Architecture
    Farmforce Orbit solution provides a single scalable global architecture that allows a large MNC or NGO to monitor and collect sustainability data, conduct centralized surveys and centralized reporting. At the same time, Farmforce Orbit provides an aggregated database system of all Farmforce Origin servers in all geographical regions.
  • Robust, Flexible Security and Permission Scheme
    Farmforce Orbit is GDPR compliant and allows specific data access for users with a detailed and flexible access permission configuration for specific user roles, including customer’s suppliers, both for the web and mobile application. The solution offers a set of permissions that enable a user to complete a certain action (e.g. View, Create) on a specific object (e.g. Farmer, Field) and provides a dynamic and powerful way to operationalize and manage a global supply chain’s first mile data.
  • Competitive Advantage Downstream
    Digital transparency and the aggregated operational control of first mile data allows our customers to differentiate their products and ensure traceability. Combined with innovative tracking and monitoring of progress in achieving sustainability goals, Farmforce Orbit solution gives our customers the competitive advantage of ensuring a lasting connection between farmers and the customers/suppliers who consume their products.
  • Proactively Combat Deforestation
    Farmforce Orbit solution integrates new layers of visibility on farming operations, with tools to proactively combat deforestation and achieve sustainable land use practices through mapping field locations in proximity to national parks, rivers, and other natural features.

Farmforce AS
CompanyFarmforce AS
PricingOn Request

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