Farmforce Insights

Unlock the full potential of your data


We Take A Pragmatic Approach To Understanding How Our Customers Operate

At Farmforce we invest the time to listen and analyze your needs and the specific challenges you are facing on the ground during food’s first mile, and we curate a dedicated team to define a solution tailored for your business requirements. As part of each implementation, we make sure the users receive the right training, and we continue to provide support and innovation throughout the customer lifecycle. Great technology combined with an engagement model and experienced people who implement our solutions are the recipe for success.

Farmforce Insights

Farmforce Insights is our new BI tool for sustainability managers and directors, providing comprehensive insights into ground-level operations. With easy data aggregation, deforestation risk assessment, and seamless integration with Farmforce Origin and Orbit, it simplifies data sharing and reporting. Powered by Tableau Software, Farmforce Insights is your gateway to actionable insights and sustainable decision-making. Explore it today!


  • Standardized or Customized Dashboards
    Farmforce Insights offers both standardized and customized dashboards, allowing you to choose the best fit for your reporting needs. Standardized dashboards provide ready-to-use templates with key metrics and visualizations, ensuring quick setup and consistent reporting. For more specific needs, customized dashboards can be tailored to reflect unique data points, operational goals, and sustainability targets, providing a flexible and comprehensive view of your agri-commodities operations.
  • View, Edit, Share, and Create Reports and Dashboards
    With Farmforce Insights, you can view, edit, share, and create reports and dashboards effortlessly. This feature enhances collaboration and decision-making by allowing you to modify existing reports, create new ones from scratch, and share them with stakeholders. The intuitive interface ensures that you can navigate and manage your reports seamlessly, making it easier to track performance, compliance, and sustainability goals across your organization.
  • Visualize Data from Origin and Orbit in One Display
    Farmforce Insights integrates data from both Farmforce Origin and Orbit, providing a unified view of your operations. This feature allows you to visualize and analyze data from different sources in a single display, streamlining your reporting process and giving you a comprehensive overview of your supply chain. By consolidating information, you can easily identify trends, monitor performance, and make informed decisions to drive sustainability and efficiency.
  • Configure Users to See a Subset of Data
    Farmforce Insights allows you to configure user access, ensuring that each user sees only the data relevant to their role. This feature enhances data security and relevance by providing tailored access to information, based on user permissions. Whether you need to restrict access to sensitive data or provide specific insights to different departments, this configurable access ensures that everyone has the right information to perform their tasks effectively.
  • Tableau Software Embedded Reporting
    Farmforce Insights leverages Tableau Software's powerful embedded reporting capabilities to deliver visually appealing and insightful reports. Tableau's advanced analytics and visualization tools are seamlessly integrated into Farmforce Insights, providing an intuitive and interactive user experience. This embedded reporting allows you to create, customize, and share detailed dashboards and reports, helping you unlock the full potential of your data and drive better decision-making in your agri-commodities operations.
Farmforce AS
CompanyFarmforce AS
PricingOn Request

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