
Simplify your life, effortlessly document crop treatments. Farmable connects all your treatments, harvest records and other activities with your fields for easy reporting.


Save time getting ready for audits, certification and reporting

Digital model of your fields

  • Start to digitizing your farm operations
  • Draw fields with the drawing tool in the mobile app
  • Import existing field maps in Web Portal

Spray and fertilizer logs in no time

  • Document spray and fertilizer logs for audits.
  • Consistently document causes, product rates and water usage
  • Automatically stored weather data for each job based on fields’ location
  • Benefit from warnings on product label requirement

Task management

  • Plan and delegate tasks to your team
  • Track progress of tasks and jobs with GPS
  • Standard jobs: Spraying, Fertilizer, Multi-location, Harvest
  • Create custom jobs for any task on farm

Automate your reports

Add notes with photos and locations for any observation in the field and keep track of your progress. Share with advisors for better agronomy advice and create reports. 

  • All treatments, harvest records and activities for reporting in one place
  • Filter and organize your spray, fertilizer and harvest records
  • Ready reports for audits automatically compiled

Store your data safely. Control who has access.

We know how important the security and safety of your farm data is.

  • ISO Certificates
  • Access Control
  • ToS: Data Belongs To Farm

No stress when creating spray logs

  • Ready reports for audits, certifications, and regulatory authorities.
  • Automatically generate treatment logs for Global GAP, Freshcare and other certifications.
  • Download compiled logs about fields, jobs and harvest for easy analysis.

Decision support for spraying

  • Receive product label limit warnings directly within the Farmable App.
  • Keep an overview of hazards for withholding periods & re-entry intervals.
  • Evaluate spraying decisions with Delta T and wind speed (requires a connected weather station).

Connect other technologies

  • Connect your own weather station by Davis (Coming soon: Sencrop, Metos).
  • We have exciting plans to bring additional integrations to you in the near future.
CategoryFarm Management

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