F-750 Produce Quality Meter

Rapid, non-destructive measurement of key produce quality traits.


Produce quality assessment... in a new light.

Providing unparalleled versatility and performance in understanding your commodity’s key quality indicators.

  • Crop management and harvest timing
    Accurately estimate produce maturity parameters (dry matter, °Brix) to confidently select optimal harvest times.
  • Post-harvest quality assurance
    Inspect incoming lots and check key quality parameters, such as dry matter, °Brix, and titratable acidity in cold storage and ripening rooms.
  • Plant breeding and research
    Build custom quality profiles for rapid, high-throughput phenotyping and advanced analytical breeding techniques.

On-demand, portable NIR spectroscopy for your needs.

Portable and intuitive, harness the power of predictive models for virtually any commodity.

Felix Instruments
CompanyFelix Instruments

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