EOSDA Forest Monitoring

Forest Monitoring Using Remote Sensing: Solution By EOSDA


EOSDA Forest Monitoring system utilizes satellite technology to ensure advanced forest health assessment. Perform comprehensive and remote management of your stands in one digital tool.

Forestry Monitoring Software By EOSDA Entails:

  • Forest Cover Monitoring
    Review both past and present data on your stands to detect changes in forest cover within your area of interest (AOI).
  • Deforestation Monitoring
    Get insights into the extent of deforested areas within your stands to:
    • Identify illegal clearcuts.
    • Evaluate damage from natural disasters like hurricanes or fires.
    • Analyze historical logging activities.
    • Estimate financial losses from deforestation.
  • Reforestation Monitoring
    Identify land cover changes, track tree growth and replanted areas to coordinate reforestation efforts in commercial forests and support eco initiatives aimed at combating erosion and preserving biodiversity.
  • Tree Species Classification
    Identify tree species like oak, birch, pine, and others with up to 80% accuracy to:
    • Classify tree species across your AOI.
    • Enhance inventory management .
    • Analyze species distribution and coverage in your AOI.
  • Forest Health Monitoring
  • Detect changes in your forest health based on Sentinel-2 or MODIS satellite imagery data. We compare and analyze historical (over 3, 5, 7 years) and current NDVI values for specific areas. Assessments occur every 8-10 days to 1-2 months, varying by satellite and region.
    Our reports categorize forest health changes across 11 stages, allowing for an overall assessment of forest health and its changes due to natural phenomena, reforestation activities, etc.
  • Burned Area Estimation
    Effectively manage post-fire activities on regional and country-level based on severity of damage in each zone. Whether it’s small or large forest fire monitoring, this approach allows for evaluating the damage and classify burned areas depending on the degree of tree burnout through pre- and post-fire satellite images to:
    • Predict forest recovery period.
    • Manage reforestation efforts by area.
    • Identify zones for removing dead trees.
  • Biomass Estimation
    Estimate your forest biomass based on current and historical data analysis to:
    • Prepare inventory data.
    • Prepare data for receiving carbon credits.
    • Assess forest productivity.
    • Assessment of timber stock for purchase or insurance.
  • Forest Carbon Monitoring
    Generate carbon stock reports based on biomass estimates to combat global warming and earn carbon credits. Data on carbon amount is measured in megagrams and is updated at least yearly to help:
    • Estimate carbon stock in forests.
    • Assess carbon stock in timber for purchase or insurance purposes.
    • Conduct ecological research on land cover carbon stock.
  • Supply Chain Management
    Improve supply chain management by monitoring and analyzing deforestation data in your own or neighboring stands. Use this information to:
    • Verify compliance with EUDR standards.
    • Distinguish between primary and newly planted forests.
    • Track changes in forest boundaries.
  • Weather Monitoring
    Get detailed weather data, including temperature, precipitation, radiation, evapotranspiration, wind strength and direction, etc. Use historical analysis and a 14-day hourly forecast to:
    • Plan and adjust activities.
    • Detect weather threats like high temperatures and low precipitation to prevent wildfires.
  • Thermal Anomalies Detection
    Be aware of wildfires in your area thanks to the NASA FIRMS digital map to plan your forest protection actions if necessary.
  • Vegetation Monitoring
    Perform remote forest health monitoring using NDVI, NDMI, MSAVI, NDRI, and RECI vegetation indices. Data is updated every 5-10 days based on the area. Our R&D team can also create custom indices tailored to your particular needs.
    Tracking changes in index values helps you to:
    • Regularly monitor vegetation changes in your stands.
    • Analyze historical data to identify trends of vegetation growth or decline in specific zones.
EOS Data Analytics Inc
CompanyEOS Data Analytics Inc
PricingOn Request

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