Ekobot robot system WEAI combines front-end technology with traditional agricultural production.


Ekobot robot system WEAI combines front-end technology in the areas of AI, robotics, electromobility with traditional knowledge of classical agricultural production. The result is an autonomous system that can replace existing methods and at the same time increase productivity and profitability in a sustainable way. As we see it – the evolution of agriculture.

Weeding challenges

We know that Weeding is one of the most time consuming and energy consuming tasks in agriculture today. We also know that although herbicides can be used effectively to control weeds, it is estimated that only a small proportion of herbicides reach their target and the rest of them get lost in the surrounding environment. This causes not only economic losses but also chemical hazards and pollution risks.

WEAI provides increased yield in field tests

At Ekobot, we open up new opportunities to control weeds and reduce herbicide use. With Ekobot's robotic system for weeding, you as a customer can, compared with traditional methods, reduce your costs and reduce your business' environmental impact from weeding operations.

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