SourceTrace's advanced technology platform DATAGREEN provides comprehensive solutions to manage all aspects of the agricultural value chain.


From faraway fields to procurement centers, from warehouses to retail stores, tracing produce is a challenge for all stakeholders in an agricultural value chain. A comprehensive agriculture software will be able to meet all your requirements from aggregating farmers to monitoring supply chain to providing traceability to end consumers.

The SourceTrace DATAGREEN solution for agriculture and food companies is a one stop sgriculture traceability software that tracks the flow of goods from the source to the central processing facilities even in the world's most remote areas. The agriculture software solution stack includes mobile apps for data collection, web dashboard for powerful and insightful analytic reports and endless opportunities to collaborate with your value chain partners.


  • Global visibility of operations and supply chain
  • Greater transparency
  • Ensure source traceability
  • Near real-time business intelligence
  • Reduced operational costs
  • Increased internal controls
  • Better resource management
  • Increased capacity to grow

DATAGREEN (DG) Agri Solution modules

  • Farmer Enrollment
    The Farmer Enrollment module enables your business to capture information directly from smallholder farmers and other providers on the field.
    • Provides a unified and up-to-date farmer database
    • GPS technology and photos trace the source of goods
    • Captures the profile of the smallholder farmer, family group, farms and crops
  • Geo plotting of crop area and crop monitoring
    Crop Monitoring module is the perfect way to record field visits allowing to capture photos and notes on each visit.
    • Attach visit notes to the farmer profile
    • Track technical assistance staff activities
    • Record GPS and photos on each visit
    • Keep notes on crop evolution
  • Input Distribution
    Input Distribution module enables the efficient distribution of inputs such as Fertilizers, Seeds, Pesticides and other inputs.
    • Warehouse-to-Farm traceability of inputs
    • Transactions recorded at the source & transmitted in near real time
    • Monitor stocks in remote warehouses, improve processes and prevent leakages
    • Type, Quantity and Price of the inputs are recorded
    • Calculate the production cost
    • Farmer account management
  • Agriculture Traceability Software
    • Farm-to-Fork traceability of produce
    • At the time of data generation a unique ID is generated which identifies the source (Farmer) of the produce and links it with all the Farmer Centric data, like certifications, farming practices, and other information like GPS co-ordinates.
    • GLN can be used to extract the details assigned by GS1
    • labels/SSCC generated with identification of the farmer, farm ,crop etc up to the farm level
    • Agriculture Traceability Software using bar code/QR Code scanning along with other methods followed
    • Upstream traceability is unique for each Farmer Organization and SourceTrace DATAGREEN (DG) platform has the flexibility to adapt to each scenario.
  • Procurement and Payment
    Procurement and Payment module enables the efficient purchase of agricultural produce.
    • Transactions recorded at the source & transmitted in near real time
    • Quality, quantity and price are recorded
    • Shorter payment cycles to smallholder farmers
    • Calculate the production cost
  • Harvest Planning & Product Transfer
    • Yield estimation of field, cluster, village and planning harvest strategy
    • Pre-harvest information collection
    • Post-harvest information like actual yield, grade, quantity dispatched etc.
    • Visibility of remote stocks and in-transit produce
    • Accountability between remote gathering points and central processing facilities
    • Increased control over transport leakages
    • Transport vehicle tracking including driver information
    • Multiple product tracking in same vehicle
    • Inventory tracking
    • Farmer account management
    • Payment gateway integration for money transfer directly into the farmer/producer bank account
    • Transparency in the procurement and payment process
  • Certification (ICS)
    • Certification module enables the digitization of Internal Control System (ICS) to support Internal inspection, smallholder farmers training and certification process.
    • Ready to use certification templates like Fairtrade, GAP, GMP, Organic certifications and other standards can be added upon request
    • Collect data directly from the field saving transcription time and increasing data integrity and quality
    • Geo referenced data and pictures of the farm for source traceability
    • Keep track of non-conformities
  • Advisory services
    Voice and Text Based services
    • Disseminate all information about management to the field staff
    • Messaging details about meeting and other information related to the field activities
    • Farmer can share his observation using voice messaging, which the farm management can listen and act accordingly.
  • In-built real time Analytics
    Access to insightful business reports on a single farmer level or at a group, regional or global level of:
    • Farmers profile data and account status
    • Input distribution transactions
    • Procurement transactions>
    • Produce and Inputs transport
    • Certification Status
    • Crop monitoring activities
    • Crop Stage monitoring
  • Farmer Data Management
    Access to the Farmer Enrollment data and update the information using the Web application.
    • Create and update farmer profiles in the database
    • Keep up-to-date the information about family group, farms and crops
    • Visualize farms location on a digital map
  • Executive Dashboard
    The Executive Dashboard present real time information of key business indicators in graphical charts.
    • Analyze the current harvest progress and compare it against previous harvest information and expected volumes
    • Create, enable and disable devices and manage Field Staffs using a centralized Web application
    • Manage the DATAGREEN (DG) application from a central location and publish updates over-the-air
    • Customize analytic reports based on requirements
  • Digital Mapping
    • Farm location
    • Crop area
    • Nearby farms
    • Field staff tracking
    • Traceability
    • Visualize geo referenced transactions and data to get a completely new view of the business.
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