Data Agri

Discover the power of Data|Agri to enhance your farm’s efficiency, sustainability, and profitability.


At Data|Agri, we are working to revolutionize livestock management through advanced technologies, empowering farmers with real-time insights and sustainable solutions. Discover how our data-driven approach can drive productivity, improve animal welfare, and transform your operations.

Discover the power of Data|Agri to enhance your farm’s efficiency, sustainability, and profitability.

Traditional livestock management practices lack real-time data insights & actions, hindering productivity, animal welfare, and sustainability. This creates significant challenges for farmers and the industry as a whole. Scroll down to find out how Data|Agri is working to help.

Data|Agri’s smart devices offer a wide range of key performance indicators (KPIs)

to monitor and analyze various aspects of cattle health, behavior, and environmental factors. Let’s explore each of these KPIs and provide a dollar value estimate for the potential benefits they are learning to bring, based on available data and industry insights…

PricingOn Request

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