A simple solution to safeguard your agricultural margins


Invest in a premium technology and maximize your yield by protecting the value of your purchases against strong price movements in the growing season.

Protect your margins against commodity prices

The solution allows you to invest with confidence in Syngenta's premium crop protection and seed products by reducing the volatility of your farm profitability. Receive up to 15% to 20% cashback if the commodity turns unfavorably against you.

Why is Cropwise Commodity Pro for you? 

  • Market volatility
    It’s hard to plan for success with an unpredictable market. We help protect the value of your premium crop protection and seed purchases against a drop in the commodity price during the growing season.
  • Risk mitigation
    With Cropwise Commodity Pro, Syngenta shares in your risk of decreasing commodity prices, ensuring that you receive up to 15% to 20% cashback on premium products if the market takes an unfavorable turn later in the season.
  • Confidence to invest in a better crop
    With Cropwise Commodity Pro, we give you confidence to invest in a better crop by taking some risk ''off the table'' and returning a portion of the value of your premium products. 

How does it work?

It’s Easy And Simple. Check It Out:

  1. A Syngenta representative enrolls you in the offer if you meet the qualifications.
  2. Based on actual Syngenta purchases, you are locked mid season into the Commodity Price (ie Corn, Soy, Wheat or other relevant future price).
  3. Your locked-in Price protects your qualified purchases against a drop in the Commodity Price later around harvest time.
  4. If the late-season Commodity Price declines from the Lock-in Price, you will receive up to 15%-20% cashback for the percent difference in the two prices  on your qualifying products.
  5. Syngenta doesn’t market your grain on your behalf, it’s simply an additional commodity price protection.

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