
Translating the language of plants


Croptide has developed a novel sensor to precisely read plant status directly from the stem of plants such as grapevines and apple trees.

We put real time plant intelligence at growers’ fingertips, providing actionable insights to help them make more effective and efficient growing decisions that equate to better financial and environmental outcomes.

We provide actionable insights to allow growers to achieve improved yield and quality outcomes with minimal inputs.

Our network of sensors attach directly to plant trunks and send key information to the cloud, where we build relationships between the state of plants through a season and the specific fruit quality parameters and yield outcome. This allows us to help growers continually build precision on the optimal management to achieve better yield and quality outcomes with less water, fertiliser, carbon emissions, labour and other inputs.

What are the benefits of using Croptide?

Croptide aims to support improvements in yield and quality outcomes and a reduction in inputs through providing a precise model of the optimal state of plants, how far plants are from that state and how to adjust inputs to reach it. A motivation for starting the Croptide journey was the dramatic water savings a wine grower in our local region had achieved through adopting a manual method (the pressure chamber) to measure plants directly. In this case, water use had dropped by 50 to 100% and wine quality had increased.

What components of plant status can the Croptide sensor measure?

Croptide is working to create a comprehensive digital record of plant status – currently the sensor can record  water status (transpiration, water potential, and response to rainfall and irrigation), but plant physiological stages and nutrient concentrations are the next focus. 

Croptide Limited
CompanyCroptide Limited
PricingOn Request

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