CropMonitor Pro

CropMonitor Pro provides field level predictions on growth stage development, pest & disease risk and optimal spray timing.


The CropMonitor™ Information Service, first launched by Fera in 2003, has been extended and updated through investment from Innovate UK via the Crop Health and Protection Centre (CHAP). Based on extensive historical UK datasets for validation, the new CropMonitor Pro platform represents a novel, independent and national capability in SMART decision support providing robust guidance for sustainable pest and disease management.

CropMonitor Pro provides field level predictions on growth stage development, pest & disease risk and optimal spray timing using a dedicated weather data feed, advanced risk models and local pest and disease surveillance data. Decision support outputs summarise combined pest and disease risks to crops, indicate the potential need for treatment at key growth stages, and guide optimal treatment timing.

Risk prediction and decision support services from CropMonitor Pro will be available as a subscription service to be launched in September 2020. This will include forecasts for all pests and diseases which are important in terms of spray decisions from crop emergence onwards in wheat, oilseed rape and potatoes. Further crop modules and services are in development and will be launched in due course.

The original core services from CropMonitor, including regional pest and disease risk prediction, will continue to be available as a free service. Users can also access a single demonstration location for each crop to view the breadth of information available via the new CropMonitor Pro platform.

 Crop Health and Protection
Company Crop Health and Protection
CategoryPests & Diseases
PricingOn Request

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