
Helping Manage Crops. A complete platform to manage your crops with integrated surveys, yield reporting and on-demand data.


The platform to manage your crops from field mapping to haulage. Including integrated survey platform (mobile and desktop), logistics, weather, yield reporting, on-demand satellite data and more.

Unified Platform

CropManager seamlessly integrates data analysis, reporting and predictions for farmers, producers, and hauliers.

Farmers access detailed field metrics, identifying areas of concern like disease or drought. Hauliers receive precise collection data, while producers view the national production landscape, drilling down to individual field metrics. Continuously monitoring crop health, the platform combines data from satellites, drones, and on-ground surveys to offer unparalleled field insights.

Its integrated survey module, adaptable for forms, multimedia, and GPS-tagged entries, ensures real-time data accuracy. Accessible on mobile (Android and Apple) and desktop, CropManager offers flexible, on-the-go solutions for the agricultural sector, enhancing decision-making, accuracy, and efficiency.


  • Crop Health Reporting
    CropManager tracks crop health and yield. Past and present and predicted at the field, regional and national levels.  Past and present data is instantly available to allow users to integrate and understand the data
  • Drones to Satellites
    CropManager integrates diverse data sets, satellites for surveys, and drones for mobile data.
    All of this data is automatically ingested and automatically linked – providing insights at from field to satellite.
  • Integrated Surveys
    Surveys are a key part of any crop mapping or prediction platform. CropManager has a fully integrated survey model – that can be customized to your needs.
    Survey your crops your way, on your devices.

Working with Local Communites

CropManger is built to be used by multiple different teams – farmers, producers, hauliers,

A producer may have 10,000 farms and needs to know the national production and understand how any individual farm is performing. A farmer will want to know about their fields, down to the meter. They will want to know if there are areas of fields that have disease or drought and if they parts of their fields that simply are not effective.  Finally, hauliers need to know which fields to collect, how much and where it is going to be delivered.

CropManager brings all of this together in a single, secure, platform.

Farmers can see all of the details of their fields and only their fields; hauliers can see only the fields and data they need to. National producers will see the national picture and be able to dive down to an individual field and work with the farmers.

A single platform combines all the best data, reduces costs and increases the accuracy and effectiveness of the predictions and overall service.

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