Cropin Cloud

Farm digitization and business intelligence solution.


Maximize per acre value

A comprehensive and highly configurable farm management platform for efficiency, predictability & sustainability.

  • A complete Farm ERP & CRM Suite
  • Monitoring and managing farms was never this easy
  • Save time and minimize errors with a digitized cultivation process
  • Make data-driven decisions to improve farm productivity and profitability
  • Integrate with other applications and data sources to do more and make better decisions

Key Features

  • Geotag farm plots
  • Detect crops
  • Monitor input usage
  • Share weather-related advisory
  • Monitor crop health remotely
  • Set pest and disease alerts
  • Manage alerts and activity log
  • Set up workflows and tasks for the field team
  • Customizable business intelligence dashboard & reporting


  • Complete farm digitization
  • Improved data capture accuracy
  • Traceability and output predictability
  • Increased farm productivity
  • Improved profitability
  • Adherence to the package of practices
  • Improved yield quality & quantity
  • Monitoring of carbon credits
  • Reduced cost of operations
Cropin Technology Solutions Pvt
CompanyCropin Technology Solutions Pvt
CategoryFarm Management
PricingOn Request

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