CropGPT – AI solution dedicated to crops intelligence.


A global first, an AI solution built on weather and satellite data for your crops, training on millions of pages of crop research and updated with local reports daily.  Answers, not questions.

Answers. Not Questions

CropGPT is AI solution dedicated to crop intelligence .

It is trained on our unique data set of ground surveys, weather data, satellite data, and millions of research pages and local news and government reports- in every language.

CropGPT is language and media independent – PDFs in Urdu,  videos in Spanish, Excel files in Portuguese; it does not matter. CropGPT continually ingests data to provide the most up-to-date answers.

CropGPT is an industry first – that will become a global standard.

An AI solution of this nature as it requires satellite data, crop weather data, hundreds of thousands of field surveys, and training on millions of crop research documents.

HSAT is unique in its ability to deliver this capability.

What data can I access?

We provide a wide range of data sources including: Crop Intelligence. Crop Health, Satellite Data. Weather Data. Area, Yield, Production. Pricing.

Predictions: We  predict crops with 97% accuracy. Area, Yield Production.

Billions of data points. Global scale. Field level accuracy. Updated every 30 minutes. Want to know about the weather over sugar fields in India? Just Ask. Want to compare the past 8 weeks with the previous 20 years? Just Ask. Want to know the crop health of sugar fields in Brazil, state by state? Just Ask. 

Ensuring the Data is Accurate.

Are you just providing reports?


We provided decades of raw data for weather, crop health, area, yield and production. All of our data is mapped to crops, region by region – giving the highest possible accuracy.

Don’t language models hallucinate? Can you provide confidence in the answers?


CropGPT is built to provide answers to difficult questions for critical decisions. It is built from the ground up to minimise the risk of error. Our data has been tested and validated  over and over again for this one purpose – predicting crops.

If there are a billion points of data, and you need to know where the data came from – will you. We evidence all of our work.

PricingOn Request

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