Crop Type Classification

Crop Type Classification Using Remote Sensing


Classification of field crops is an essential part of agriculture as a business. Identifying crops using traditional methods can be quite a daunting task.

EOSDA offers a faster and much easier way of solving this problem relying on years of experience in precision agriculture, as well as expertise in the application of AI-powered algorithms, and remote sensing.

By combining Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data with optical imagery, we can assign a class to each type of crop recognized by a trained neural network in any area of interest and build a crop type map suitable to the customer’s needs.

Crop Classification Solution In Numbers

  • Accuracy up to 90%
    Crop type maps with an accuracy of up to 90%, depending on the completeness of ground data and availability of regular satellite scenes.
  • Resolution 10 meters
    Get cropland masks at a 10-m resolution in .geotiff or .shp formats.
  • Field size from 3 ha
    Crops identified for any area, even as small as 3 ha.
  • Coverage AOIs in 195 countries
    Our algorithm identifies crops almost anywhere on Earth.
  • Delivery rate from 1 month
    If conditions are favorable, our qualified RnD team requires only several weeks to complete research and deliver an accurate crop classification map to you.
  • Crop types over 15
    Our trained neural networks can classify over 15 different types of crops.  
EOS Data Analytics Inc
CompanyEOS Data Analytics Inc
PricingOn Request

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