Crop Intelligence

The AgroScout platform monitors crop development in real-time, to more accurately plan processing and manufacturing operations across regions, crops and growers.


Our Solutions

Precision agriculture enables more efficient use of crop inputs including fertilizers, pesticides, tillage, and irrigation water.

  • On the ground
    Capture images from your smartphone
  • From the air
    Off-the-shelf drones autonomously scan your fields
  • From space
    Satellite imagery for NDVI & RGB analysis

We are Crop Intelligence.

With AgroScout you intuitively learn more from every growing season making your future efforts more profitable for everyone.

Crop diagnostic for pests and disease

  • Early detection means more targeted and less frequent applications, saving time and money over the season.
  • Get field-wide pest and disease detection down to leaf level.
  • Our AI-driven application analyses images from your field to identify a broad range of pests and diseases. 
  • Our professional agronomist reviews the report and verifies the application’s findings – so there is no doubt left.

Identify under supply with plant Stand count

  • Estimate stand count emergence for an early determination of seed quality, yield prediction, and whether to replant.
  • Later in the season, get a full stand count for precise information on the health of your field. 
  • Identify trouble zones in your field for yield losses.
  • Compare early estimates with actual growth later in the season.
  • Plan future agricultural operations and be proactive in replanting efforts.

Leaf index for Canopy coverage

  • Calculate the Leaf Area Index (LAI) of your crop canopy throughout the season for critical data to make the most informed decisions about chemical applications and irrigation
  • LAI is one of the key indicators used in plant ecology to assess plant health and provide important insights for better overall crop performance.
  • Evaluate plant growth throughout the growing season.

Improve crop health with Orthophoto

  • Hi-res images for a complete overview of the field. 
  • Compare week over week to observe trends and patterns. 
  • Zoom in to leaf level to get a closer look at trouble indicators.
  • Detect plant nutrition deficiencies and irrigation problems.

Satellite monitoring with NDVI & RGB imagery

  • Satellite imagery including NDVI and RGB tells the story of crop canopy vigor the naked eye cannot perceive. 
  • Monitor field health and detect stress early to prevent irreparable damage before it happens.
  • Combined with our A.I. analysis you get a complete picture of your field health.
CategoryPests & Diseases
PricingOn Request

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