Crop Calendar

Crop Calendar, a searchable platform, which aids farmers’ decision making on planting and harvesting periods, sowing rates and other cultural practices for crops according to agroecological zones.


The Crop Calendar is a tool that can be used to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of agricultural production, extension activities and the rehabilitation of farming systems after disasters. It currently provides access to information for over 100 crops in over 50 countries.

The Crop Calendar is conceived as a ‘living platform’, which will be updated with new information and data as they become available.

Crop Calendar allows you to search by country or by crop Clearing the search allows for a fresh search to be conducted.

Search by country

  • To search for information on one or more crops in a particular country, select the country from the drop-down menu. It is possible to select up to 3 countries in a single search.
  • Once the country or countries have been selected, select the crops that the countries have in common (those not in grey).
  • After selecting, click on Search button to display the information of crop calendars in the selected country/countries. These are displayed according to agroecological zones (click on each zone for more information) and by crop (click on the crop information button for more details).

Search by crop

  • To search information on one or more crops, select the crop in the drop-down list. It is possible to select up to 3 countries in a single search.
  • Once the crop/crops have been selected, it is possible to select a specific country from the country dropdown menu.
  • After selecting, click on the Search button to display the information of the crop or crops according to country and agroecological zones.
  • It is possible to click on each agroecological zone for more information as well as the crop information button for more details.
Food and Agriculture Organization
CompanyFood and Agriculture Organization

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