Cool Farm Tool

A decision support tool to help you on farm and for supply chain reporting


With a focus on greenhouse gases, biodiversity, water use and food loss & waste, the Cool Farm Tool offers quantified, credible, and standardised metrics based on empirical research and a broad range of published data sets and IPCC methodologies. It creates value throughout the agriculture value chain, by putting the latest science in the hands of farmers where decisions can be made. Personalised results allow users to create “what-if” scenarios and gap analysis to develop tailored reduction strategies. The Cool Farm Tool equips farmers and businesses with metrics to communicate about sustainability, to show benefits of regenerative practices and carbon sequestration, and to report against reduction targets.


  • Run “what-if” scenarios to identify mitigation opportunities.
  • Develop action plans to build soil carbon.
  • Communicate benefits of regenerative practices.
  • Tell your story – provide evidence of good practice and change over time.


  • Demonstrate impact by developing cutting edge methodologies used by farmers around the world.
  • Translate research & data into an easy-to-use tool to build knowledge and insight.
  • Cool Farm methods are based on latest available peer-reviewed science & IPCC methods.


  • Report and monitor supply chain GHG emissions and removals. 
  • Quantify biodiversity impact.
  • Create tailored engagement strategies.
  • Encourage continuous improvement & reward positive impacts.
  • Obtain data to support your GHG reduction targets and claims.
Cool Farm Alliance
CompanyCool Farm Alliance

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