constellr - LST

Measuring water, temperature & carbon from space for better resource accountability.


At constellr, we support food security by enabling high-precision smart farming services across the globe. Using proprietary space infrastructure, constellr leads the way in measuring water, temperature, and carbon to assess vegetation and soil health at an unprecedented level. Our vision is to bring accountability to tackling climate change.

Land Surface Temperature

Global high-resolution temperature monitoring

  • Spatially and spectrally harmonised data available now
  • Combining constellr's proprietary and publicly available thermal data
  • Up to 10 m native spatial resolution and daily revisit time
  • Sensitivity of 0.1 K: extraordinary accuracy for a time series and changed detection

Temperature at the centre of climate change

Measuring temperature provides:

  • Insight into the dynamic of the carbon and water cycles from local to regional scale
  • Anomalies information that relates to vegetation stress before yield is affected
  • Timely information for stress mitigation as well as improved planning at the field level
  • Insight on infrastructure and urban heat patterns

Temperature data at high-resolution and high frequency: constellr LST 

What are we delivering today :

  • 50 m spatial resolution and 3 K accuracy 
  • Analytics-ready data set 
  • Weekly coverage
  • Cloud-optimised data format, delivered according to customer needs 
Constellr GmbH
CompanyConstellr GmbH
PricingOn Request

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