CO2 Sequastration Model
LIFE ClimaTree

CO2 Sequastration Model

Model for the CO2 Sequastration in croplands

CO2 sequestration in cropland

The model in this study, will consist by three pools. The first one will include biomass (BM), the second one, debris pool (DP) and the third one the soil organic matter (SOM). The 1st pool is connected to 2nd pool though pruning, and crops left to ground. It is also connected through the roots to the soil directly. The material in DP decomposes and feeds the Soil.

The model is spatial, and can be run in NUTS 1, 2 or 3 level of detail. It is customized for the seven species of perennial trees most common in Mediterranean area and are the olive, orange, apple, almond, peach trees.


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