CI-110 Plant Canopy Imager

Fast, portable canopy analysis for environmental & crop research


Your data through a new lens

The CID Bio-Science Plant Canopy Imager makes data collection a breeze, allowing you to focus on the metrics that matter.

  • Crop Optimization
    Measure vegetative spectral response, estimate plant nutrition, water requirements, and plant stress to enhance crop yields.
  • Forest Productivity
    LAI, PAR and sunflecks inform silviculture, forest restoration, and the optimization of yields and wood quality.
  • Environmental Research
    Use canopy data to develop a greater understanding of the impacts of climate change, and human activity on the natural world

Work confidently, anytime, anywhere

The new Digital Plant Canopy Imager includes updated GPS accuracy with access to four different satellite constellations and the ability to interchange lens filters for even greater image accuracy

CID Bio-Science, Inc.
CompanyCID Bio-Science, Inc.
PricingOn Request

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