
Keep your animals safer with Chipsafer


Track your livestock from anywhere.

Chipsafer offers real-time tracking and animal behaviour data that increases safety, improves animal health monitoring and reduces farmers operational costs. Do you want to know what your livestock is doing while no one is watching? Chipsafer will show you.

Our solution has been recognized by some of the most important institutions, like the World Intellectual Property Organization, the Inter-American Development Bank, and the United Nations Foundation.

Taking Care of your Livestock

Through Chipsafer, the farmer can know where the animals are, and receive warnings if an animal trespasses a specific area or if an anomaly in the movement is detected. Chipsafer also has a full stand-alone rural management software that can be used to digitally manage the entire farm and visualize the livestock’s position in real-time.

Farming Technology

The animal wears an external self-recharging device that transmits data about it to our servers for processing and analysis. The farmer can log in to our web platform from anywhere in the world and see the livestock’s position and get insights about the animal’s performance.

Get started with Chipsafer.

Chipsafer’s uniqueness lay in its ability to provide affordable and accessible technology for a wide range of purposes. Chipsafer empowers farmers through the use of the latest technology and promotes sustainable practices globally.

  • Sustainability
    Our technology was designed to help farmers make environmentally conscious decisions while also improve farming productivity sustainably. 
  • Active Traceability
    We provide active traceability across the animal’s lifecycle, enhancing transparency and trust in the meat chain.
  • Security
    Chipsafer seeks to improve the safety and security of livestock herds. Our system can be used to prevent cattle theft.
  • Welfare
    With Chipsafer you can keep an eye on your animal’s health, anticipate health issues, and optimize grazing habits. 


  • Animal database
    You can register all of your animals and keep a digital database to track all metrics from cattle.
  • Set farm perimeter
    You can also draw digital boundaries and get alerts if an animal crosses the boundary.
  • Access animal trajectory
    Access the whole animal trajectory per day and per hour to ensure that the cattle are not overgrazing, for optimum soil productivity.
  • Sanitary calendar
    Keep track of vaccination dates, nutrition plans, animals need for medical reviews, treatments, or other services.
NuSpace Pte. Ltd.
CompanyNuSpace Pte. Ltd.
PricingOn Request

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