
The world’s most advanced data analytics platform for agriculture


Farm Solutions

Direct resources to the best investments within your agriculture portfolio

Farm Solutions from Ceres Imaging offers the advantage of finely tuned data models—refined by more than 11 billion individual plant-level measurements, captured over ten years and more than 40 crop types—to help you adapt to change. With Ceres you can:

  • Identify issues impacting yield and calculate the ROI of capital improvements.
  • Report on key farm metrics at a plant, farm, or portfolio level—or create custom zones to match the way you work.
  • Be notified of crop health issues 2-3 weeks before they are visible to the human eye—and before they impact yield.

Sustainability Solutions

Power your program with the world’s most advanced data analytics platform for agriculture

Sustainability Solutions from Ceres Imaging offers the advantage of finely tuned data models—refined by more than 11 billion individual plant-level measurements, captured over ten years and more than 40 crop types—to help you adapt to change.

  • Increase farmer participation with automated crop inventories.
  • Verify farm practices and reduce reliance on grower attestations with our monitoring and measurement solution.
  • Score farm sustainability and achieve quantifiable improvements over time with sustainability recommendations.
  • Report on key sustainability metrics at a farm, regional or global level with portfolio insights.

Risk Solutions

Power your program with the world’s most advanced data analytics platform for agriculture

From supply chain interruptions to increasingly volatile weather, the effects of climate change are already impacting agriculture. Risk Solutions from Ceres Imaging offers insurers and lenders the advantage of finely tuned data models—refined by more than 11 billion individual plant-level measurements, captured over ten years and more than 40 crop types—to help you adapt to change.

  • Increase efficiency of loss adjustments with automated damage reporting.
  • Fast-track pre-inspection reporting and streamline underwriting with crop inventories.
  • Improve claims responsiveness and accuracy after catastrophic events with portfolio insights.

Ceres for insurance and lending

Evolve your risk modeling strategy to perform in a changing world

Risk models built over the last decade are failing to properly forecast crop risk as the impacts of climate change accelerate. Ceres’ university-validated data models and industry-leading computer vision capabilities help you adapt and focus on the factors you can control. 

Ceres Imaging
CompanyCeres Imaging
PricingOn Request

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