Bug Vacuum

Our innovative autonomous vacuum robot for lygus pest control.


Discover the new Bug Vacuum

An insect vacuum robot that performs way more efficient, accurate and cost-effective than any other comparable solution.

Navigating autonomously all around, Bug Vacuum saves money to invest in more productive operations. Time for farmers to make the difference.

Functional Safety

  • Flashing warning Light. Blinks when ‘Automatic Mode’ is active.
  • Hybrid perception. A fusion of LiDAR sensors identify people, obstacles and guidance references.
  • Safety Bumper. Sensitive collision polyurethane cushion with integrated safety switch.
  • Braking system. Dual emergency wheel-brakes plus electric braking control for safe stop.
  • Diagnostic system. Stops the robot and advises operator by a combination of visible and acoustic alarms.
  • E-Stop. Both attached to the platform and remote to stop the vehicle up to 2500ft away.

Reactive Navigation

The Bug Vacuum navigates reactively across the field, so farmer just has to handle it to the kickoff point and select ‘Automatic Mode’. The robot detects bed-furrows as guidance references as long as it is within the row. Once furrows end, the navigation controller decides the next move: cross the road to the next row, turn around or finish the routine.

Vacuum System

  • The Bug Vacuum has a double-fan vacuum system to ensure a uniform airflow over the whole bed width.
  • Optimum vacuum pressure is achieved due to its precise fan-height control, maximizing bugs aspiration.
  • In compliance with food safety standards, fan inlet is made of stainless steel and food-grade silicone.
PricingOn Request
Bug Vacuum

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