BetterPick - Strawberry Harvester

Strawberry Harvester


The BetterPick strawberry harvester is designed with today’s grower in mind. Learn how growers all over California have used our technology to pick thousands of pounds of fruit every day – and night.

  • 30% 
    Headcount savings to work double time with almost half the people
  • 100 lbs/hr
    Pick rate per machine can match the rate of the average human harvester
  • 5x
    More productive than a human harvester

Robotic Harvesting Technology

  • Robotic Arms
    Robotic arms designed for long days on the ranch. Built to last, but with a delicate touch.
  • Real-Time Stereo Vision
    A custom, rugged stereo camera allows our robots to decide what is ripe and ready to pick – dozens of times per second. Eyes made for the farm. Real time stereo vision, detecting ripe fruit dozens of times each second. Durable, for daily use.
  • Soft Grippers
    Food-safe grippers gently (and quickly) pick fruit from plants without causing damage.
  • Autonomous Navigation
    Our tractors drive autonomously during harvest, allowing growers to scale operations with minimal human intervention. No driver needed. Our tractors drive on their own, so you can focus on growing the business. No driver needed. Our robots work autonomously.
  • Hybrid-Electric Drive System
    A lightweight chassis and electric drive system glide precisely and efficiently on top of the soil – rain or shine.
  • Autonomous Fruit Tray Stacking
    Our harvesters make back-breaking work automatic.  With the ability to store hundreds of pounds of fresh fruit on board, no time is wasted walking, loading and unloading.
Advanced Farms Technologies Inc.
CompanyAdvanced Farms Technologies Inc.
PricingOn Request
RegionNorth America

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