Best Beans

The Best Beans app enables you to produce the highest quality and yield of coffee from your fields by efficiently and accurately monitoring Coffee Leaf Rust and Coffee Berry Borers and providing decision support on their management.


Sampling and Monitoring

The Best Beans app provides farmers with different methods for monitoring their farm CBB and CLR, including:

  • Infestation rate and position for Coffee Berry Borer
  • Coffee Leaf Rust prevalence
  • Coffee Leaf Rust Incidence Rate monitoring
  • Trap catch (flight activity) for Coffee Berry Borer
  • Integrated weather data
  • Photo submission for expert review

Data and Graphs

Using the data inputted from the sampling, weather stations, and monitoring methods, the Best Beans app provides farmers with in-depth data reports and graphs to help track Coffee Berry Borer infestation levels and Coffee Leaf Rust incidence rates.

Resources and Recommendations

Based on data inputted into the app, field reports can be generated, which can provide farmers with spray and trap recommendations. The app also links several resources that help farmers learn more about Coffee Berry Borer and Coffee Leaf Rust in Hawai’i. It is like having a virtual extension agent in your pocket and customizing recommendations for your farm!

Smart Yields
CompanySmart Yields
CategoryPests & Diseases
PricingOn Request

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