
The Global Standard for Soil Health


BeCrop® services provide targeted solutions to the pressing challenges in agriculture, from understanding soil needs, to assessing ag input effectiveness and measuring the sustainability of farming management practices.

Targeted Solutions for the Agricultural Ecosystem

  • Farmers
    Discover a reliable way to know and harness your soils' natural biological functions.
  • Advisors
    Get a data-driven diagnostic tool to make optimal recommendations.
  • Manufacturers
    Get a comprehensive report to demonstrate the performance of inputs over time.

BeCrop® Test 

The Most Advanced Biological Soil Test.

Our soil microbiome analysis tools deliver the most comprehensive reports on biological soil functions for all crops. 

BeCrop® Test provides a user-friendly report on soil nutrient cycling, health, and biodiversity on any field. The report is a data-driven picture of the global functions of the microbial networks.  

  • Analyze Yield Improvements
  • Assess Nutrient Cycling
  • Predict Disease Risks
  • Monitor Farm Practices

BeCrop® Trials 

Input Performance Validation & Recommendation

BeCrop® Trials are designed to demonstrate agriculture input performance, measuring the effects of ag inputs on soil biology, illuminating a path from successful product development all the way to commercialization.

BeCrop® Trials enable you to gain the trust and confidence of your customers, differentiating your products, streamlining commercialization backed by reliable, data-driven, scientific methodologies.

  • Demonstrate Product Performance
  • Obtain Scientific Validation
  • Gain a Competitive Edge
  • Secure Your Market Position
  • Strengthen Distributor Network
  • Build Customer Trust and Sell More, Faster

BeCrop® Rate

Better Sustainability Starts With Soil Health

BeCrop® Rate is a soil health metric that validates your land’s sustainability and informs the transition to regenerative agriculture. It's the only metric validated by the scientific community - tested globally across 200+ crops -  designed to support the entire value chain from Food and Agriculture. 

Biome Makers Inc.
CompanyBiome Makers Inc.
CategoryPrecision Farming
PricingOn Request
RegionNorth America

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