AVIX Autonomic Mark II

AVIX Autonomic is a fully automated laser bird repellent that keeps birds away 24/7.


AVIX Autonomic Mark II

AVIX Autonomic is a fully automated laser bird repellent that keeps birds away 24/7. Birds perceive the moving laser light as a physical threat and flee immediately when the beam passes by. This solution is proven to reduce bird nuisance by more than 70%. Bird habituation doesn’t occur. The system can be programmed and monitored through an iOS and Android apps.

Increase your yield with automated lasers

Reduce crop loss and biosafety concerns with the AVIX Autonomic automated bird deterrent. The system continuously moves a laser beam that birds cannot categorize. As a result, your site will look uninhabitable, pushing the birds elsewhere.

Tailor-made to your farm

Wireless connectivity allows you to easily program the device through the use of our iOS and Android Apps, as well as monitor the system status, laser activity, and switch the system on and off. With more than 150 different patterns and 20 time slots, you can customize the activity of the laser to the unique setting of your farm without disrupting day-to-day operations.

Benefits of our laser bird repellents

  • Effectual crop protection
    The AVIX Autonomic Mark II protects your crop and revenue from birds effectively. Unlike exclusion nets, the laser deterrent is easy to install and maintain and does not cause any damage to the crop.
  • No habituation
    Birds can easily get accustomed to visual and acoustic bird deterrents but they will not get used to the AVIX Autonomic Mark II. They will consider area covered by the laser unsafe and will not return.
  • Cost-effective solution
    The AVIX Autonomic Mark II is up to 40% cheaper to install and maintain compared to netting. One solar powered system covers approximately 20 acres.
Bird Control Group
CompanyBird Control Group
PricingOn Request

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