
Cool room atmospheric monitoring and control


World First Technology

  • Accurate Ethylene Detection
  • In-room Visibility
  • Open API
  • Gas Chromatography Validated
  • Easy to Use

How it Works

  • Room Management
    One room or many, our easy to use cloud platform gives you the tools to see all your rooms in one place.
  • Team Management
    Assign your team to the rooms they manage, giving them invaluable data and control in real-time.
  • Storage Specifications
    Set your storage conditions to the exact specifications that you require. Whether your ripening bananas or storing apples, our Atmos unit has you covered.
  • Open API
    Our device operates with and Open API, giving you the ability to route your data and room specifications wherever it’s needed.

PostHarvest Technologies
CompanyPostHarvest Technologies
PricingOn Request

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