The Most Precise Sprayer on the Market


Increase your efficiency, while reducing the use of crop protection products at the same time

ARA is an ultra-high precision sprayer developed by Ecorobotix, which enables the ultra-targeted application of herbicides, fungicides, insecticides or fertilisers. Improve the profitability of your farm, while adhering to environmental regulations.

  • Ultra-Precise, Plant-by-Plant Spraying
    With respect to conventional spraying methods, ARA enables you to reduce the use of crop protection products by up to 95%!
  • Increase of Profitability
    ARA enables an increase in profitability going up to 30%, depending on the type of farm, while adhering to legislation which imposes the use of less and less crop protection products.
  • Rapid Recuperation of Equipment
    ARA is recouped in three/four years with a medium-sized farm. ARA can also be eligible for subsidies in certain areas.
  • Versatile Use
    ARA treats a large number of crops with all types of products and can be used throughout the whole year over different fields
Ecorobotix SA
CompanyEcorobotix SA
CategoryPrecision Farming
PricingOn Request

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