
Trusted Soil Carbon Measurement - Robust, Cost-effective, and Scalable


Everything You Need to Measure Soil Carbon

  • Sampling Strategy
    A statistically robust strategy is designed to identify the  sampling points and ensure an adequate quantity to detect change.
  • Collection of Samples
    With our unique vehicles, we collect field samples across 14 countries (including North America).
  • Automated Soil Analysis
    Industrial-scale automated sample preparation and analysis measures soil carbon and bulk density with high consistency and lower cost.
  • Soil Carbon Reporting
    Your results are prepared and optimised for carbon accounting and credit verification while stored securely for future audits.

Soil Carbon Measurement You Can Trust

Measuring soil carbon requires accuracy and consistency across different soil types, farming systems, and geographies. Methods must follow accepted scientific principles and carbon accounting protocols to qualify soil carbon removals as part of your climate change mitigation.… it quickly becomes complicated. We have the necessary expertise, freeing you to focus on your broader sustainability goals. Our efficient and robust approach has empowered numerous organisations, including those similar to yours, in achieving precise soil carbon data.

Robust and Scalable Soil Carbon Measurement

We directly measure soil organic carbon (SOC) and bulk density. Our process follows globally respected scientific protocols for sampling and analysis but uses mechanisation, automation, and economies of scale to do so at a low cost per sample. This provides the only cost-effective way to acquire statistically robust quantities of measurement data. We operate across the UK, Europe, and North America, covering vast hectares and analysing thousands of samples weekly.

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