Agreena ApS


Transition to more regenerative farming practices to earn valuable carbon credits through AgreenaCarbon – the largest soil carbon programme in Europe.

AgreenaCarbon financially incentivises farmers’ transition to regenerative agriculture to enhance resiliency and profitability

Europe’s leading soil carbon platform

  • 2,000,000+ hectares under management
  • Internationally accredited and third-party verified reductions and removals
  • Restoring soil health and storing carbon in 18 European countries
  • 200+ purpose-driven team members from 40+ nations

Access an additional revenue stream through carbon credits based on climate-friendly farming practices.

Four practices for the highest credit yield

Reduce soil erosion, increase soil organic matter, improve soil health and biodiversity, and strengthen water retention capacity and resistance against flooding.

  • Reduced soil disturbance
  • Optimal use of cover crops
  • Use of organic fertilisers
  • Optimal residue management


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