Ag Premium Weather

Ag Premium Weather is the ultimate agricultural weather application that offers intelligent field-level precision.


Ag Premium Weather is the ultimate agricultural weather application that offers intelligent field-level precision. It provides  up-to-date tracking of precipitation, temperature, and growing degree days without the worry of physical rain gauges or expensive in-field hardware. With Ag Premium Weather you get current and historical precipitation data, which will enable you to improve operational planning, anticipate yield potential, and adjust yield goals.

Ag Premium Weather can be purchased as an add-on to Farmer Pro and is available globally. Data can be viewed from the Trimble Ag Mobile app, available for download from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

Key Features

  • Access your data online or from the mobile app
  • View historical precipitation averages
  • Save time spent driving to fields and dumping rain gauges
  • Eliminate expensive on-site weather stations and data plans for tracking rainfall remotely
  • View rainfall variability for each field using colour-coded contour maps
  • Determine field workability based on recent rainfall volume and intensity
  • Optimise water usage by not turning on irrigators in areas that have received adequate rainfall
  • Use growing degree days to gauge crop stages or plan field activities

Hail Alerts

Receive timely emails when your farmland is hit by a hail event. By seeing a hail coverage map overlaid on your field boundaries, you know the precise location and size of hail. This information can save you time and money when scouting fields to assess the damage.

Hail alerts are only available in North America*

Our Trademark Contour Maps

Our contoured weather maps provide simple, strong visual cues with bands or zones of weather across the farm. These colour-coded contour maps allow farmers to easily see zones where temperature and precipitation are the same, and where these are changing. The best part? You can change your date range to see historical data or a future short-range forecast.

Weather Alert Emails

Ag Premium Weather sends you daily weather updates via email that alert you to rainfall events (using farm averages) as well as the average growing degree days for your farm. When you receive a rainfall alert, there is a link to your Trimble account to see more detailed rainfall information by field. This alert makes it easier to schedule daily tasks around rainfall from your desktop or smartphone.

Weather alerts are only sent out for North America*

Trimble Inc.
CompanyTrimble Inc.

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