Aerial WeedScout

Sentera’s Aerial WeedScout optimizes yields while reducing herbicide costs.


Earlier Weed Detection, Proven Results

Capturing high-resolution aerial imagery with Sentera’s cutting-edge drone and sensor technology, deep learning technologies allow users to detect weeds sooner with higher accuracy. 

Precision weed detection maps are then used to automatically generate a machine prescription to herbicide is applied only where it’s needed to achieve weed control. 

Reduce Post-emergent Herbicide Use

After detecting weeds with high-resolution aerial imagery, generate a prescription that can be used in your sprayer of choice to target herbicide application where it matters most — on the weeds. With more precision application of chemistry, reduce herbicide use by up to 70%.

Know What You’ll Spray Before You Start

Get better control of your costs — and your weeds — by tailoring your tanks with the chem you need to get the job done, meaning you know how much you’ll need before you hit the field.

Roll the Machines Faster

Use the sprayer equipment you already have with Aerial WeedScout. Cover acreage faster than other options on the market, spray for weeds before rapid growth chokes crop health.  

PricingOn Request

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