ACRE Africa Insurance
Agriculture and Climate Risk Enterprise Ltd.

ACRE Africa Insurance

Building farmer resilience

ACRE Africa, officially known as Agriculture and Climate Risk Enterprise Ltd. (ACRE), is a Licensed Insurance Intermediary supporting local insurers to offer smallholder-focused insurance across value chains.

ACRE Africa has a physical presence in Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Zambia and Nigeria with projects in Uganda, Ghana, Malawi, Senegal, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia and Somali.

Crop Insurance

  • Area Yield Index Insurance
    Area Yield Index Insurance focuses on crop losses across an entire region, rather than individual farms. It offers protection if the average yield in your area falls below a certain level due to weather events like droughts or floods.
  • Hybrid Cover Insurance
    Hybrid Cover Insurance blends the best of two worlds. It offers strong core protection for your crops against the usual risks like droughts and floods, but with a simpler, more streamlined process.
  • Multi-Peril Cover Insurance
    Multi-Peril Crop Insurance (MPCI) is like a build-your-own protection plan for your crops. It lets you select from different coverage options to address the specific risks that worry you most.
  • Named Peril Cover Insurance
    Think of Named Peril Cover Insurance as a list of specific bad things you’re protected against. This list of “perils” (insurance term for risks) is right there in your policy contract. It usually covers things like fire, lightning, theft, and specific weather events.
  • Picture-Based Insurance
    Picture-Based Insurance is a brand new approach that uses smartphone pictures to monitor your crops and assess damage, making insurance more accessible and affordable.
  • Soil Moisture Index Insurance
    Soil Moisture Index Insurance focuses on the water content in the soil where your crops grow. If it gets too dry (or sometimes, too wet), you receive a payout – even if your plants haven’t suffered damage yet.
  • Weather Index Insurance
    Think of Weather Index Insurance like a shield for your crops against bad weather. Unlike traditional insurance that focuses on individual crop damage, this type looks at weather patterns in your area. If there’s a drought, excessive rain, or other weather events that can hurt crops, you get a payout.

Livestock Insurance

  • Fodder Cover Insurance
    Fodder cover insurance protects livestock farmers against losses caused by reduced feed availability. It’s designed for situations where drought, floods, or other events damage pastures or crops grown for animal feed (like hay).
  • Herd Cover Insurance
    Simplify your insurance, and protect your whole herd. With Herd Cover Insurance, you get a single policy that safeguards your livestock from a wide range of risks, like disease outbreaks, weather disasters, or theft. Herd Cover Insurance provides a simplified way to insure your entire livestock herd under one policy. This means protection against losses across the herd due to covered events.
  • Index Based Livestock Insurance
    Index-Based Livestock Insurance (IBLI) protects livestock herders when conditions for their animals become too harsh. Unlike traditional insurance focusing on individual animal deaths, IBLI focuses on the health of the grazing lands.
  • Mortality Cover Insurance
    Think of Mortality Cover Insurance as traditional insurance for your livestock. It covers losses due to unexpected events that cause the death of your insured animals.


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