
Horticulture Software Specialists


GrowData Developments is a privately owned Australian company which specialises in management software for the horticultural industry.

We have been building and selling management software to the horticulture industry for 17 years and during this time we have developed an extensive client base which ranges from clients with 5 hectares to multinationals with 20,000 plus hectares under production. We have well in excess of 200,000 ha. under GrowData management

Software Features

  • Spray Diary
    So simple to use! It will calculate total quantity of chemicals, the number of tanks required and will print a detailed instruction sheet.
  • Compliance
    GrowData software was developed with compliance in mind and meets all international Quality Assurance requirements, including GLOBAL G.A.P.
  • Track Costs
    All labour, materials and machinery costs are automatically tracked back to crop, variety and block/patch.
  • Chemical Management
    This is a critical area of risk management for all horticultural businesses and is usually a significant cost input as well. GrowData manages it brilliantly.
  • Irrigation
    You can track the volume of water you apply down to block/patch level as well as costs including water purchase and pumping costs.
  • Reports
    GrowData has over 80 reports available, but we understand that one size does not fit all so we are happy to build a report to meet your particular needs.
  • Cloud Based
    Being cloud based opens a whole new world of flexibility. Security and reliability are critical which is why we use Telstra, Australia’s largest Telco.
  • Pack House
    A modestly priced fully integrated packing program which allows for seamless traceability from block to end user.
  • Product Specific
    Software which claims it can handle all types of crop will not manage any of them very well.
GrowData Developments
CompanyGrowData Developments
PricingOn Request

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