AGRIVI Food Traceability

Position your food products as premium quality, transparent, and compliant with food safety standards.


Position your food products as premium quality, transparent, and compliant with food safety standards. Scannable QR codes provide detailed information about food products while ensuring top quality and total production traceability toward end customers.

Get your traceable QR code and provide customers the confidence in the food they eat.

100% Transparent Food

Customer awareness of healthy foods generates a need for quality assurance in form of information about traceability, safety and nutritional values. With AGRIVI Traceability solution you can provide scannable QR code for your fruit and vegetables that shows:

  • Used resources
  • Applied fertilizer nutrients
  • Compliance of crop protection and active substance applications
  • Nutritional values of crop
  • Crop origin with field positions on the map
  • Images of the farm, fields and production process

Complete Traceability Report

The QR code ensures complete traceability report by giving insight into the practices and care of the crops, as well as used pesticides and other substances.​

Transparency Toward Customers

Showcase how your product has grown, and provide customers with transparency and reliability about the origin, quality, and safety of the purchased products.​

Increased Product Value & Customer Loyalty

Position your food products as premium and high quality and increase brand trust ​by giving transparent information about sources and safety. ​

Compliance with Standards

With a holistic overview of the grower’s productions, you can ensure compliance with food safety and regulatory standards by securing safe harvest.

Innovative Marketing Tool

Introduce a new customer digital experience with scannable QR codes, and use it as an alternative marketing tool to track usage and customer behavior.

Demonstrating Sustainability Initiative

Position as a leader in sustainability. Analyze your supply chain climate footprint, resource usage, impact on environment and meet ESG goals.

AGRIVI d.o.o.
CompanyAGRIVI d.o.o.
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